Tuesday, October 5, 2010

*021010* ♥ My Jii Muis

In the morning...
Doing revision because I had exam in the afternoon...@.@
And on my Facebook..~~
I saw Ms Yap GietHua tagged another 2 friends asking for dinner...
I comment on her status, we planned for us then!!
Around 6.45pm, she came and fetch me after she picked up Ms Yap LiLing.
Heading to Cheras for pick up Ms Cha SinYin...
A very lousy traffic jam at KL recently!!
After that, we had our steamboat dinner...
Ohh....I like it so much!!
After our dinner, went to Leisure mall for pick up Ms Hoi MengYiu...
And went to Emily's house for pick up her~~ heee~~

2nd round,
We have no idea why that we be there...~~
A very good moment when I along with my ♥ Jii Mui...
Around 1am...
Back home...
Thanks for My Yap GietHua for fecthing us...


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