Sunday, January 18, 2009

Older Posts~

5 minutes ago...
I was deleted some of my older posts...
That blog because of him...

Say byebye to it~~~

Before that...
Everytime i viewed my blog sure my tears were fall down...
I knew that the 1st action i want to give up him is delete the blog because of him...
Eveytime when i wish to delete it...when I want to click the delete click...
My hand must stopped to move...

Just now...I am so cool down...

My hand no stop anymore...
I can sure that was good for me...

Loves him...I just get sad and unhappy...
No any happy~~

Why I still loves him?? I duno...~
Start from now...
This is last time I wrote the blog because of him...

Promised myself dun think him anymore...

Dun miss him anymore...

I knew not so easy for me...
But...I must try...
Just one way...

No anyone can help me that...
I am so clear of that!!!
That person can help me is MYSELF...
Thanks for you sent me the mail...
If not...I still loves you...^^

Thanks for my friends who always concerned me...^^

Espcially my dear yiuyiu... She always hurt me...
I knew that you just want me to give up him and dun always sad because of him...^^ I am so glad I have the best friend as her...
And also my Family...My Crazy Family...^^
I love you all~~Muaskk...^^


yiuyiu said...

see yao!!!
U sure can find other good boy boy me!!! k? haha
take care

Nicole..C we!..♥ said...

really thanks for you...^^